Good News! I Have Found City Wars by Dennis Palumbo
The project can move forward.
City Wars by Dennis Palumbo has been located. It had fallen behind the computer hutch in our home office.
You may ask yourself - "What has City Wars by Dennis Palumbo done to deserve to be placed on the official Compost Books compost pile?"
Well, basically, it's a terrible book. Despite the fact that Half Price Books had priced the book to move at 20 cents, it really wasn't worth it. I bought it because it looked odd, had a sort of cool 1970s era sci fi full color cover, and I thought it might be entertaining in a bad, 20-cent book sort of way. But god it's a dreary slog.
I read some of the begining, and then skipped to the end. I read a few random passages in between. Just a bad, bad book.
Here is the text from the back cover.
Chicago vs. New York
For decades after the great wars, Chicago re-armed to defend what was left. Never knowing when an enemy city would strike.
In a world obsessed with with fear and violence, Cassandra and Jake were programmed to kill. Neither had ever experienced love.
Now they were drawn together on a combat mission against New York . . . a city where no human was left alive.
Now, the sad thing for Dennis Palumbo is that the last line of the blurb on the back is a pretty big spoiler for the whole book. If I had been the copywriter of that, I wouldn't necessarily have revealed that the city of New York was now basically an automated husk of doomsday, inhabited only by war machines whose only mission was to launch a doomsday strike against Chicago. That's kind of like all the suspense the wretched book has going for it, and they spoil it there on the back cover.
More later. Again, if you have any desire to stop me from placing this horrible book deep within my compost pile, please add your argument to the comments section.
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